Het Groninger Landschap

During my recent visit to the Stadspolder in Oldambt, Groningen, I was captivated by its picturesque charm. Built in 1740, this former polder and water board sits north of Drieborg, embraced by the City Polderdijk along the Westerwoldse Aa. To the south stands the Central Embankment, while the wing dike protects the western side. Stadspolder Zijl, a mill polder, once graced the northeast corner, showcasing the area’s rich heritage. Managed by Hunze and Aa’s, this Dollard polder boasts fertile clay soil, cultivated for agriculture.
The Carel Coenraad polder, named after a former commissioner, is the northeasternmost in the Netherlands. It was drained in 1924, but ongoing challenges from the sea prompted the transformation of Dollard’s dikes into a resilient delta system between 1983 and 1986. This safeguard ensures the preservation of Groningen’s fertile land. My visit to the Stadspolder offered a profound appreciation for the harmonious balance between land and water management in this captivating region.

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